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Law and Policing for Intermediaries – Understanding Police investigative interviewing and court processes
IfJ CPD Courses
Event details
7 Jan 2021
6th Jan 2021, 9:30am - 3:00pm
7th Jan 2021, 9:30am - 3:00pm
Zoom Online CourseUnited Kingdom
Event Fees
Course facilitator(s): Robin St. John Sellers, Dr Kevin Smith, Judge Tamara Lewis, Paula Witham, Naomi Morrison, Paul Haywood, Nicola Lewis and Catherine O'Neill
Course requirements: IfJ Member
Who is this course for: This course has been developed for intermediaries.
This training is an introduction to the legal framework within which we are operating, the role of the CPS and the Police, the rights-based laws which apply in all areas, and the specific principles and practices which apply in the ABE/VRI and the courts.Our aim is to promote a better working knowledge and understanding of the whole system within which intermediaries are a cog and play a vital role.
Discussion regarding the Criminal Practice Directions and Rules and the Equal Treatment Bench Book will be included.
Course dates and times:
6th January and 7th January
9.30am- 3.00pm
Course aims / objectives:
Participants will:
- Understand the police interview process so that you can work more effectively in your intermediary role
- Learn about typical Witness Interview Strategy and Structure
- Consider the use of Visual aids (Drawings, pictures symbols, dolls, figures and props)
- Understand the differences between competence vs capacity, credibility and fitness to be interviewed
- Consider Police Pre-Interview Preparation and planning the Interview
- Consider the Impact of Trauma and negative thought on the Interview Process
- Learn about Victim/Witness Care Strategy
- Learn more about the use of intermediaries in suspect interviews
- Understand the fundamentals about the law and how it is applied (legislation and common law explained) as well as rights law which applies to everyone (including the vulnerable with whom we work)
- Have the technical language we hear in court explained (Indictment, burden of proof etc) and be given information about who we will encounter in each court
- Learn about the role of the CPS, who they are and what they do
- Learn some basics about the law that the police have to work to, PACE for example.
- Understand the current climate in the criminal and family courts which may affect the court’s approach to our appointment.
Course content:
We will learn about the fundamental principles of police investigative interviewing, the tools and techniques which the police are trained to use and why these are important in obtaining evidence from both witnesses and suspects.
We will then look at how to apply this information to the work we do, supporting communication.
We will also share information about the general legal framework in England and Wales and we will explain some key legal terminology so that you can better understand what is being discussed in court to include:.
1. The legal framework: how legislation and the common law interact in England and Wales
2. Overview of rights-based legislation: the ECHR,the Human Rights Act and the Equality Act 2010
3. What is the legal force of a Practice Direction, Practice Rule and the Equal Treatment Bench Book. What a Judge must adhere to and what is guidance for the court
4. The courts, the legal hierarchy (who can overrule what, does a rights-based law trump another law?)
5. The pressures that the Justice system is under
6. Follow a criminal case from arrest to appeal including Youth Court cases
7. The Crown Prosecution Service: who they are, what does a CPS lawyer actually do? (What is an indictement and who decides what goes on an indictement?)
8. The Police: what laws do they have to apply (and what Guidance). When can they arrest, charge, etc)
9. The legal test in criminal and other courts
10. The police process from suspect/voluntary interview to close
11. PACE
12. Finding you way round the the Criminal Practice Directions and Rules
13. Examining the role of the registered intermediary within the justice system - from assessment to court and how intermediaries interact with other legal professionals
14. Preparing for police interview and preparing for court, supporting at trial
15. Understanding police and court language to promote better communication -developing a Glossary of terms
16. Explaining the system to vulnerable people - easy read guides.
17. The differences in different justice settings. Civil courts/ Tribunals/Family / Parole /Coroners.
Course method:
The course is run in the form of a small group training. The presenters will present information and will invite high levels of participation and sharing of knowledge and ideas. Prepared slides / handouts guide the process rather than impart information.
The following materials are provided:
- Timetable
- Glossary of terms
- Handout of power point presentations
- Guidance for further reading-Bibliography
The course will be run remotely using Zoom. Particpants are requested to keep their cameras on throughout. There will be opportunities to discuss cases and break out rooms may be used.